How to find a labour lawyer in Germany

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Germany has a reputation for being one of the more worker-friendly countries, particularly in relation to employee termination. Nonetheless, it is still possible to be dismissed in Germany, occasionally for fairly routine reasons. Any individual who receives a dismissal notice in Germany must respond swiftly and seek the services of a reputable labor lawyer. Even in a minor dispute with your employer, say, over the exact amount of variable pay due, a competent attorney will prove beneficial. Selecting a “good” lawyer may be a source of uncertainty for some. In this article, we will furnish some pointers to aid you in finding a labour lawyer in germany and making a suitable choice.

Why is it significant to find a good lawyer?

Securing a competent employment attorney during a job-related dispute is invaluable, not just for your mental well-being. It’s essential to ensure your interests are protected, particularly when there’s a considerable amount of money or your job on the line. In incidents of unjust dismissal, for instance, you want assurance that you or your labour lawyer will negotiate the maximum severance pay. A skilled and seasoned labor law attorney can provide you with the best guidance and support for your needs.

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What genuinely constitutes a “good” attorney?

While there isn’t a straightforward answer, both professional skills and personal compatibility (or “rapport”) significantly contribute. The latter can be best evaluated by yourself, and in most cases, the former is harder to judge. Hence, we wish to offer some insights, particularly about professional expertise. You could locate an employment lawyer through specialist directories, leveraging your community, or conducting internet research.

Specifically seek out attorneys who specialize in labor law

In need of an employment attorney in Germany? Start by considering certified labor law specialists, known as “Fachanwälte für Arbeitsrecht”. These specialists have undergone additional training and achieved more extensive qualifications in their specific area of practice. Hence, they could be your first point of consideration. Nevertheless, there are also highly proficient lawyers who, either don’t publicize their specialist titles or opt not to pursue them for principle reasons. Hence, the absence of such a title should not be interpreted as a disadvantage.

Find a lawyer in Germany? Leverage your network!

Your existing network could potentially provide leads to a labor law attorney. Do you already know a lawyerin Germany who practices employment law or specializes in another field? Don’t hesitate to seek their advice. It’s quite possible they could introduce you to an accomplished labor lawyer they’ve collaborated with for years. Moreover, reach out to friends and associates for recommendations. Chances are you’re not the first in your social network seeking the services of an employment attorney.

Find a lawyer by researching online

Google often serves as a viable jumping-off point when searching for a variety of things, and employment attorneys are no different. However, how can you sift through the numerous lawyers listed on Google to find those who offer reliable, goal-oriented advice that benefits their clients?

Don’t solely depend on Google rankings. More effective methods exist for identifying capable specialist lawyers. Consider checking out the Federal Bar Association’s website or review the countrywide official lawyer directory, where you can find attorneys based in your locale.

If this research process seems complex and tedious, you have the option to utilize our service!

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Aspects of lesser importance in the search for a lawyer

Rankings are increasingly common on the internet for evaluating lawyers and their performance, but it’s advised not to fully trust them. Often, these rankings do not distinguish whether the lawyers mostly represent the employer’s or the employee’s interests. Plus, some lawyers specialize predominantly in collective labor law, working chiefly with trade unions or employer’s associations. If you’re seeking to negotiate a severance agreement, look for an expert in dismissal protection and severance agreements, who mainly focuses on representing employees.

Large and notably expensive law firms often boast ISO 9001 certification. Though, it mainly reflects structural aspects and few content-related features of the firm, such as the firm’s responsiveness to client inquiries, not the competence of individual case advice.

How much should you expect to shell out for legal advice? In Germany, lawyers’ incomes are governed by the Lawyers’ Compensation Act (RVG). Pertinently, remuneration is chiefly predicated on the so-called dispute value (e.g., determined by your salary in an unfair dismissal scenario). Numerous lawyers nowadays charge on an hourly basis with rates greatly varying. For instance, the per-hour charge of a large law firm can easily exceed 500 euros. However, hourly fees in labor law tend to be lower compared to other legal fields.

The rapport should also feel right

When seeking an employment attorney, consider the impression the lawyer makes on you. Skillful attorneys prioritize their clients’ interests and initially take time to listen. If you feel that your attorney comprehends your situation, that’s a significant advantage.

Wrapping Up: Locating a Labor Lawyer in Germany

Having a proficient employment attorney at your side during job-related disputes is fundamental, considering substantial money or your position might be at risk. However, it’s crucial to remember that even the best lawyer cannot guarantee of winning the case. Your employment attorney doesn’t owe you specific results, unlike a plumber performing bathroom renovation, for instance. Consequently, the case’s outcome doesn’t necessarily indicate whether you’ve selected a good employment attorney – although, you might still have a sense of post-process. Specifically, whether your lawyer showered extensive effort on your behalf without causing utter chaos in court relationships with the opposing party.

Naturally, you can commence your search for a competent labor attorney right here on our website.

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