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Severance pay in Germany

Severance pay germany

In Germany, there are around 200,000 disputes about unfair dismissal every year (BMAS). In a number of cases where employers dismiss employees, the employees concerned often receive compensation, even though there is no legal obligation to offer such compensation. Nevertheless,…

Certificate of employment

Certificate of employment germany

Introduction to Certificate of Employment A certificate of employment, also known as an employment reference or “Arbeitszeugnis” in German, forms a vital component of the German employment landscape. This document, legally entitled to every employee, serves as a comprehensive record…

Employment Law in Germany

employment law germany

Introduction to German Employment Law German Employment Law forms the cornerstone of labor relations in Germany, shaping the interactions between employers and employees and providing a comprehensive framework for workplace rights and responsibilities. Renowned for its extensive worker protections, this…

Termination agreement

Termination agreement

Employees as well as employers in Germany have the option to terminate an employment relationship without notice by signing a termination agreement. It is common for a severance payment to be included in the termination offer, especially when the employer…

Reasons for termination in Germany

reasons for termination in germany
In today's working world, various factors can lead to employers or employees having to decide to terminate the employment relationship. The reasons can be many and varied - ranging from operational restructuring to dissatisfaction in a position.

How to find a labour lawyer in Germany

Labour Lawyer germany

Germany has a reputation for being one of the more worker-friendly countries, particularly in relation to employee termination. Nonetheless, it is still possible to be dismissed in Germany, occasionally for fairly routine reasons. Any individual who receives a dismissal notice…